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About me

The race timer is a solo effort.

I learned to sail as a teenager on a flooded gravel pit. Sailing transformed the boy into the man and I sold my dinghy to go to university and then got involved with yachts, cruising with friends and later, my own family.

25 years later I returned to dinghy sailing. In the intervening years, online shopping became normal, smart phones ubiquitous, and IT had wheedled its way into every corner of every life.

I was surprised to find that the process of timing a handicap race still involved searching a list of illegible sail numbers, hurriedly scrawling in tiny boxes on damp (or even soggy) bits of paper, perhaps with guestimated corrections as boats finished faster than handwriting. only to be later typed into an app or spreadsheet, introducing errors along the way.

Having been a freelance developer since the first dot-com boom, bubble and crash, I felt well placed to write a simple app that would be easier and less error prone. The feature list grew and grew, and what began as a small project became powerful, flexible and I hope, really useful to sailing clubs.

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